Přednáškový cyklus a seminář prof. Trimble 9. 6. 2017

Prof. Markéta Trimble z University of Nevada, William S. Boyd School of Law povede seminář Právní otázky geoblockingu 9. 6. 2017 a připravila též přednáškový cyklus pro PF UK.

S potěšením oznamujeme, že prof. Markéta Trimble z University of Nevada, William S. Boyd School of Law, povede seminář Právní otázky geoblockingu. Prof. Trimble se geoblockingu akademicky soustavně věnuje (srov. její příspěvek v knize GEOBLOCKING AND GLOBAL VIDEO CULTURE dostupné zde) a téma je zvláště aktuální v souvislosti s návrhem nařízení o přenositelnosti obsahu.

Dále si dovolujeme tlumočit pozvání prof. Trimble na její přednáškový cyklus na téma „ Current Issues in U.S. Intellectual Property Law“, který probíhá na PF UK do 26. 4. 2017. Je možné se přijít podívat na kteroukoli přednášku, byť jsou primárně určeny pro studenty.

Sylabus je zde:

Class 1 (April 10) Introduction, Main Players and Stakeholders in U.S. IP Law, and Policy Considerations from both Domestic and International Perspectives

An overview of the course; general characteristics of U.S. law and U.S. IP law; institutions and courts involved in IP law; current policy debates affecting IP law

Class 2 (April 11) Current Issues of Protectible Subject Matter I

Protectible subject matter under copyright law; the Oracle v. Google and Garcia decisions; the magic and yoga cases; restoration of foreign copyrights

Class 3 (April 12) Current Issues of Protectible Subject Matter II

Protectible subject matter under trademark law; the Slants, and The Redskins decisions; intersection of the protection for internet domain names and geographical indications

Class 4 (April 13) Current Issues of Protectible Subject Matter II

Protectible subject matter under patent law; U.S. Supreme Court decisions in Myriad, Prometheus, Alice; post-Alice developments in lower courts

Class 5 (April 17) Implementation of the America Invents Act

The transition from the first-to-invent to the first-to-file system; new novelty and grace period rules; the „patent troll“ phenomenon

Class 6 (April 18) Copyright, Transmission, and Re-transmission

U.S. Supreme Court decision in Aereo; new business models and technologies, such as Periscope; circumvention of geoblocking; termination of transfers

Class 7 (April 19) Exhaustion of IP Rights

Exhaustion of copyright and patent rights; digital exhaustion; decisions in Kirtsaeng and Re-Digi

Class 8 (April 20) Fair Use and Exceptions and Limitations to Copyright

Development of the latest case law on fair use; other exceptions and limitations to copyright

Class 9 (April 24) Liability of Internet Intermediaries

Direct and indirect liability of internet intermediaries; the DMCA takedown and notice system; the Lenz decision

Class 10 (April 25) U.S. and International IP Law; Final Review

U.S. position in international IP negotiations; the state of accession to and implementation of international IP treaties; summary of the course

Rudolf Leška, 14. 4. 2017

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